Gospel Truths of Life

Gospel Truths of Life

It takes years of experience to learn the truths of life. Many of us learn these truths the hard way. But we tend to learn this one way or the other as we journey through our life. It is only a question of time. It is only a question of when enlightenment dawns on our...
Wait for the Opportune Moment in Life

Wait for the Opportune Moment in Life

There is a time for everything. When the time comes, things will start falling into their right places. When the time is ripe, your progress will be a cakewalk. So, keep working at what you want to achieve and you will achieve success at the opportune moment. Here are...
When Angry, Count a Hundred!

When Angry, Count a Hundred!

Old adages are a treasury of traditional wisdom. They are not adages for nothing. They are adages because they have stood the test of time. People who are quick to anger repent at leisure. Anger is certainly not a positive trait. In fact, anger gets us into sticky...