Gospel Truths of Life

Gospel Truths of Life

It takes years of experience to learn the truths of life. Many of us learn these truths the hard way. But we tend to learn this one way or the other as we journey through our life. It is only a question of time. It is only a question of when enlightenment dawns on our...
Most of Our Problems are Created by Us

Most of Our Problems are Created by Us

This might sound rather ridiculous to you. But the fact of the matter is that this is the gospel truth. It is our negative bent of mind that gets us into problems. Most of our problems have their origin in situations. But we tend to look at situations as problems. If...
Stop Looking at Situations as Problems

Stop Looking at Situations as Problems

Stop looking at situations as problems because the moment you do that, the situation becomes formidable and more difficult to deal with. But if you were to look at problems as situations, it would be easier for you to deal with them. We find so many of our friends,...
Gain Respect for Free

Gain Respect for Free

Who doesn’t want to be respected? Is there anyone in this world who doesn’t want to be respected? In fact, all of us crave respect in society. The good thing is that there are at least 10 things that require no money and zero talent that will help you to enhance your...