Indicators of Personal Growth

Indicators of Personal Growth

Most of us are in constant competition with the rest of the world day in and day out. We coax ourselves into believing that we are in an eternal rat race which will end only with our death. We live under the false impression that our success depends on beating...
It’s All in the Mindset

It’s All in the Mindset

Your mindset is Everything. Everything you are doing or not doing depends upon your mindset. In other words, your mindset has a lot to do with how you are faring in life. Try not to be arrogant. Learn from your mistakes. Each time you correct yourself, you become a...
Dream Big to Achieve Success

Dream Big to Achieve Success

Dreams may not always come true. Dream big all the same. Because, if you dream big, and achieve 10% of your big dream, you may still be better off than achieving 100% of a small-time dream. The best part is that dreams don’t cost you a thing. Once you dream big and...
Long-Term Strategy for Success

Long-Term Strategy for Success

Only a small percentage of people are blessed with instant success. Others have to slog it out. Some are born lucky. Others have to earn their luck. But, in the long run, good luck shines on all those who work steadily and consistently towards success. It is only a...
Success is Never a Cakewalk

Success is Never a Cakewalk

Those who are enamoured by the grand success of their peers need to know that success does not drop from the blue. You have to toil day in and day out. You have to improve yourself by outperforming yourself from how you performed the previous day. You must learn to...
Find The Right Place

Find The Right Place

No matter where you stand on the academic front. No matter how highly you are qualified, you may still be bandied about and humiliated because the people you choose to work with or are forced to work with due to a quirk of fate, may not value your education or...
Traits that Lead to Success

Traits that Lead to Success

When it comes to success, nothing works like hard work. You may be highly educated; you may be smart and pushy; you may even be lucky; but hard work holds the key to sustainable success stories. If you are a lazy bum, you may not even take off, let alone achieve...
Don’t Settle for Less

Don’t Settle for Less

Don’t ever settle for less—you are worth more than you imagine. It is just a question of stepping out of your comfort zone. Comfort zone stems growth and perpetuates stagnation. Never settle for an average job. It is okay at the entry level. But once you get started,...
When Dreams Come True

When Dreams Come True

As far as dreams are concerned, there is an old saying which goes something like this: ‘There’s many a slip between the cup and the lip.’ No doubt, you must dream big because dreams cost nothing. Besides, if you dream big and if even half of that comes true, you would...
Tip of the Iceberg Called Success

Tip of the Iceberg Called Success

Nothing succeeds like success, they say. That’s why successful people find immediate acceptance and natural admiration among people. Everyone thinks that success is pure magic. They think it is a matter of luck. But very few of us realise that success is like an...
Pushing Your Way to Success

Pushing Your Way to Success

Success evades many of us because we are not prepared to do what it takes to achieve success. It would not be wrong to say that it is reluctance on our part and our own mental blocks that prevent us from achieving success in life. Here is as 10-step formula to...
The 2% Mindset

The 2% Mindset

Believe it or not—it is just 2% of the total population of the world that dreams big and works hard to make their dreams come true. They not only aim big but are also willing to step out of their comfort zone to fulfil their dreams. The rest of the 98% people are...
The Four Laws of Growth

The Four Laws of Growth

Don’t go around bragging about yourself. If you have really done something great, let your action speak for itself. That will have more impact than blowing your own trumpet. If there is one thing that people really value in life, it is: what you do for them. And, if...