Your Outlook Makes a Big Difference

Your Outlook Makes a Big Difference

The irony of our life is that we are guided by societal norms. We are often reprimanded if we start thinking out of the box and try to carve out our own niche in life. But the same society criticizes us if we fail to make it in life. And, the very same society,...
Do Not Make Success Your Goal

Do Not Make Success Your Goal

Let me begin by asking you a point-blank question: What on earth is your ultimate goal in life? When I ask young people as to what they want out of their lives, I get strange answers. The answers I get are: I want to be a writer, I want to be a pilot, I want to be a...
First Deserve – Then Desire

First Deserve – Then Desire

All of us want to be rich and powerful. All of us want to be successful in life. All of us want to be happy in our life. But, how many of us are willing to put our shoulders to the yoke and do what it takes to get all these? Not many! That is the reason why many of us...
Value Your Time

Value Your Time

Learn to value your time because time is money. Don’t waste your time on inconsequential issues and keep away from all the people and things that waste your time. If you are someone who waits for inspiration, forget it. Inspiration will never come that way. Don’t give...
Countdown to Happiness

Countdown to Happiness

If you are unhappy in life, you are probably not tuned to happiness. If you want a perfect reception on your radio, you have to tune into the radio station you are interested in. Adjust the antenna a little bit, if necessary. But you have to do that if you really want...
Just Do It!

Just Do It!

If you want something, don’t just sit around and wait for things to happen. Nothing will happen if you do that. Just go ahead and do what it takes to make that happen. Yes, do it yourself. Just do it! This is one big lesson you must learn from Elon Musk. If you don’t...