That’s the Way, I Like it

by | May 5, 2022 | Life, Philosophy

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When someone goes out of one’s way to help you, be ready with a big thank you. And, say that with a smile on your face. And, say that in a way that makes one feel that you are really grateful for what the person did for you. If you don’t do that, you are an ingrate. Remember the old saying? It goes something like this: “It is better to say thank you and not mean it than to mean it and not say it.”

All of us make mistakes. The best thing to do when that happens, is to accept the mistake and apologise for the same. But if you make it a prestige issue and try to defend and justify your mistake, you draw flakes and you deprive yourself of an opportunity to learn something. Always remember: Two wrongs don’t make one right.”
When it comes to time, be punctual. Value others’ time as much as you value your own time. If you are punctual, people will take you more seriously and respect you for your punctuality.

Don’t be rude towards strangers. If someone approaches you for guidance, be nice to them and help them as much as you can. Don’t leave them groping in the dark when you can show them the way.

Be a good listener. And, don’t interrupt someone when one is speaking. That’s bad manners, to begin with. And, then, you might miss out on something that you could have learnt if you let them speak.

Dream big and follow your dreams. Put your shoulder to the yoke and work towards making your dreams come true. If you dream big and succeed 10 percent, that could be better than dreaming small and achieving a hundred percent.
Remember the times when you were in some dilemma? Times when you did not know what subjects to opt for in your course…times when you were in two minds about choosing a suitable career? You worked hard at those and finally found an answer to those questions. Now you are experienced. You have some insight about how to go about doing those things. So, why not help youngsters who are struggling with the same kind of dilemma? Why not try to help them? Why don’t you become their mentor? They would be grateful to you for life.

When you are stepping out of a reception or a theatre or a gathering, don’t rush. Don’t push people around. Don’t act so cheap. Instead, be dignified in your behaviour. Hold the door open for others to pass and step out when you all the people who were in a great hurry have gone. It is not only good manners but it also shows your humility.
When it comes to manners, I try to remember that I am a human being. To me, the greatest sign of a human being is to behave in a humane manner. That’s the way I try to behave because, that’s the way I like it!

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