The 2% Mindset

by | Aug 19, 2021 | Life, Philosophy

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Believe it or not—it is just 2% of the total population of the world that dreams big and works hard to make their dreams come true. They not only aim big but are also willing to step out of their comfort zone to fulfil their dreams. The rest of the 98% people are obsessed with their comfort zone. They are insecure by nature and are scared of stepping out of their comfort zone. They end up working for the people with 2% mindset. In other words, 98% of the people help the people with the 2% mindset to realise their dreams. That is what ‘2% Mindset’ is all about.

The 2% mindset people are dreamers who believe in themselves and their capability to make their dreams come true. They are constantly on the move and they keep on exploring new things. In other words, they avoid stagnation at all costs. That is why they are amenable to change. Those who resist change become victims of stagnation which is of their own making.

The people with 2% mindset do not set limits in the life. In fact, they do not believe in limits—they know that most of limits are mere mental blocks. They believe in living life king size. You find them gunning for happiness and fulfilment in life. They are not deterred by fear. In fact, they believe in taking fear head on and proceed with executing their decisions without any hesitation. As a result, they lead an exciting life and abundance crowns their life.

Coming to the 98% people who end up being means to the ends of the people with the 2% mindset, they live in constant fear of failure or losing their job. They love their comfort zone like sweetheart and are wary of stepping out of their comfort zone. Fear is their constant companion though most of their fears are beyond logic.

The people with the 98% mindset lack the desire and inclination to stick out their neck and get counted. They would prefer to be like everyone else and merge with the crowd. Though they are as keen to get ahead in life, they are unwilling to put in what it takes to do that. They want everything to be dropped in their lap. They are scared of risks and would be happy to get by rather than take risks to achieve something. They become a bundle of regrets and you will always find them cribbing about something or the other. Security is their watchword and they would never mind settling for less than what they deserve rather than taking risks to achieve more. These are the people who are happy to survive than living their life to the fullest. They are never self-motivated or proactive and often given to endless procrastination. As a result, they lead a dull life with little or no success.

Now that you know the ‘ins’ and ‘outs’ of the 2% mindset, which side of the dividing line would you like to be on?

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