The Golden Days of Yore

by | Nov 11, 2021 | Life, Philosophy

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The good old days? Yes! Those were the days my friends. The present generation may not realise this but the surviving members of the generation before generation X and the generation before that, still cherish the memories of their good old days.

Our society has witnessed sea changes. It has turned the norms upside down. We live in a world that drops a new normal from time to time. Now, consider these:

There was a time when large families used to live in small houses. Today, people want a big house for a small family. They want a room for every member so that they may have privacy. The members of the family live under the same roof but they are cut off from one another. Interaction is found wanting among family members these days. It was not so in the olden days.

There was a time when common sense reigned supreme. Today, people amass degrees after degrees but end up being low on common sense. In those days, most of the people were uneducated but they gained wisdom through experience. Today, people are loaded with knowledge but we often find them wanting in wisdom.

There was a time when there used to be a local doctor who used to treat all ailments with limited knowledge and fewer medicines. Today, the doctors are highly qualified and medical science is advanced beyond measure, yet people in general suffer from poor health because, either they cannot afford the doctor or the medicine or both. Today, the number for test has multiplied manifold but clarity about the ailment is far from satisfactory.

In the good old days, the income levels were low. Millionaires could be counted on fingers. But people used to sleep in peace. Today, the world is full of millionaires, multi-millionaires, billionaires and what not—but they crave for peace of mind.

Education has boosted the IQ levels of human beings over the centuries. As a result, we have become victims of logic. We have thrown our feelings to the winds. As logical beings, we are left with little or no emotions.
In the olden days, people would get drawn to people they liked and there was true love. Today, most of us go through several love affairs and still fail to find true love.

In those days, everyone had a small circle of friends and relatives who would stand by them in times of trouble. Today, we may have numerous friends. We spend lots of time partying. But how many of us have a best friend? You may have thousands of friends on social media networks and you may spend one-third of the day sticking to your mobile phone. But you may have no time for your family or friends.

With population explosion, the earth is overburdened by human beings. But the human values and concern for fellow human beings have taken a hit.

There was a time when all the people used to walk up to the clock tower in the city to check the time. But everyone had time for others. Today, everyone likes to buy a high-end watch but nobody seems to have time.

Whether we like it or not, this is the reality of life today…

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