The Playground of the Universe

by | Jun 28, 2021 | Philosophy

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Once an argument broke out amongst the elements to decide as to who is the most powerful element of all.
The entire universe is made up of five elements. The human body, which is the most evolved species on earth, is the best representation of this fact.

The space or ether which governs our head took a high moral ground and withdrew from the race. I am at the top of all other elements. Therefore, there is no need for me to participate in the war of elements. I have already won the content hands down. I would prefer to stay up here and bear witness to the fight for supremacy among the other elements. I would be happy to be just a witness to this event in time.

Likewise, mother earth, which represents the feet, withdrew from the race with the humble submission that she is devoid of any desire to establish her supremacy over the other elements. She said she is happy to serve as the playground of the universe in this struggle for supremacy.

That left three elements in the race. The shortlisted candidates for supremacy among the elements argued one after the other.

Fire argues that it is the supreme element because it can burn up anything. It can generate light and heat. It is powerful in its positive as well as negative traits.

Water entered the debate by saying that it is the elixir of life. Without water no life form can survive. Staking claim to the supreme position, water argued that it can even put off fire and destroy it.

Finally, air contended that it swayed over fire as well as water. It can fan fire or put it off. It can guide rainfall or move giant waves.

Though air was part of the contest, it did not stake its claim to supremacy. Instead, it explained that the space or ether refused to participate in the race by assuming an arrogant posture. Fire can be put off by water. So, water is more powerful than fire. But air can control fire by putting it off. Or, it can spread fire by fanning the fire. So, it is obvious that air is superior to fire and water.

But air admitted that it cannot move the earth though it can move space. Besides, the earth did not assume an arrogant stand for withdrawing out of the contest. Mother earth offered to step out of the contest without any condition in spite of having to bear the brunt of this power struggle.

All said and done, mother earth had the humility to offer herself as the playground of the universe to let the other elements fight it out. I think we all owe our respects to mother earth because humility is the quality that defines supremacy amongst elements.

(This is an original story I created to drive home the point that humility triumphs over all.)

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