The Purpose of Creation

by | May 22, 2021 | Spirituality & Religion

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God made man in his own likeness to spread the message of his love. God wanted the whole world to be one big family—one society… one district… one state… one country… and—one world. He wanted all living beings to live in harmony and peace. God wanted all the actions of all living beings to be geared towards that end.

But human beings created political boundaries and countries. They created religions and denominations within religions. They created ethnic groups. They created languages.

Human beings drove a wedge between the people of one country and that of other countries in the name of patriotism. They drove a wedge between people of one religion and that of the other in the name of faith and belief. They drove a wedge between the people belonging to one ethnic group and other ethnic groups in the name of ethnicity. They drove a wedge between people who spoke one language and the people who spoke other languages on the basis of their linguistic leanings.

Out of all the living beings, it is only to human beings that God gave the power to create. God wanted human beings to turn this world into a beautiful place through his creations. Human beings did create a lot of things that are helpful to them and other living beings. But, regrettably, they created weapons of war and destruction.

God wanted the whole of the universe to be one family. Today, it is a divided house. Good wanted a religion mainly to implement goodness and morality. Today, we have so many religions. Today, religions have become ritualistic and goodness and morality are taking a backseat. God wanted one ethnic group—human beings. Today, we belong to a multitude of warring ethnic groups. God wanted one language for the whole of the earth—the language of love. Today, we have numerous languages but the language of love is sadly missing in many cases.

God wanted planet earth to be a planet of love. Unfortunately, human beings are turning planet earth into a planet of hatred. Therefore, it is high-time some asked this pertinent question: Have human beings short-circuited the purpose of creation?

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