The Wisdom of Albert Einstein

by | Oct 21, 2021 | Life

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Albert Einstein was not just a physicist and scientist; he was also a great philosopher. And, his knowledge and wisdom spills over to all aspects of life. In fact, there are great lessons to be learned from him. Here are some of them:

Follow your curiosity

Every human being is born with a curious mind. In fact, a child is a bundle of curiosity and wonderment. It is just that our education system is designed to take our children away from these traits. If only we work towards strengthening the curiosity in us, we may work wonders with numerous discoveries that could be a dime a dozen.

Perseverance is priceless

True. Rome was not built in a day. It takes time for things to yield results. You cannot get married today and expect a child the very next day unless you did something out of the way. There’s a gestation period for everything to take shape. We must pursue our goals with patience.

Focus on the present

The past is dead and gone forever. So, don’t worry about your past. Even the Gods cannot bring back your past. Nobody on earth can change your past for you. Hoping to change your past by brooding over it is bound to end up being a futile exercise. So, focus on the present moment and do what needs to be done. And, don’t stray into the realm of future while doing that because extra concern for your future ends up in anxiety.

Imagination is priceless

I love this quote of Albert Einstein: ‘Logic willget you from A to B. ‘Imagination can take you everywhere.’ And, there’s another one which is equally interesting: ‘Imagination is more important than knowledge. For, knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.’

Make mistakes

Most of us seem to mortally afraid of committing mistakes. We hesitate to initiate new processes for fear of making mistakes. But it’s the people who dare to make mistakes and learn from them that get ahead in life and achieve success.

Live in the moment

Enjoy every moment and celebrate each moment. Forget about the past and the future. Learn to live in the moment. That’s what will bring out the best in you.

Create value

Don’t be selfish. Be selfless. Do what you can to make this world a better place to live in. Don’t waste your life by whiling away your time.

Don’t expect different results

The problem with us is that when we fail in our efforts, we keep doing the same thing over and over again with the fond hope that it will work out some way or the other. The fact is that you cannot get different results by doing the same thing in the same way. That’s the point Einstein tried to drive home.

Knowledge comes from experience

When you do something, you gain knowledge. Knowledge comes for experience. Such knowledge takes on the form of wisdom with time.

Learn the rules then play better than anyone else

This is a tricky one. I will try to explain this with something from my own life. When I started learning photography, I was a stickler for rules. As a result, most of my photographs were technically correct.That’s not to say that they had the visual impact to attract and hold the attention of the viewers. It is when I started breaking those rules that I emerged as a unique photographer. For instance, photographic lessons teach us that only a mad man will shoot at noon. I was that mad man and I created a unique series of photographs that stands out from the rest.

The theory of relativity may be for the scientifically inclined. But this theory of relativity is something that resonates with everyone.

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Rahul Rakesh
