Things to Avoid for a Happy Life

by | Mar 17, 2022 | Life, Philosophy

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We are born to be happy. And, if we are not happy, the reason for our unhappiness might be hiding somewhere within ourselves. Because, only you can make yourself happy. But ultimately nobody can do that for you. Others may be able to help you. But that is about all.

Often times, the root cause of our unhappiness stems from our comparison of ourselves with others. Trust me—there’s no sense in doing that. You are a unique creation of God. And, if you don’t believe in God, you are a unique creation of nature. Whatever the case, there’s no one else in this world who is quite like you. So, stop comparing yourself with others.

Stop copying others. Your destiny is different from that of others. Focus on your journey and explore the path to your success. The path to your success may not coincide with their path to success because you are on a different journey and others are on a different journey. In the test of your life, your question paper may not be the same as those of others.

Competition is good in certain situations. Competition is important in sports and other competitive events. But don’t waste your time competing with everyone you meet in your life. If you really want to compete, compete with yourself. Let the competition be between the person you were yesterday and the person you are today. That is a healthy competition which augurs well for your growth. Such a competition will help you improve yourself each and every day of your life. Unless there’s a very good reason for competing with others, you should avoid competition. Because unnecessary competition may result in high blood pressure, anger, heartburn, depression and a whole lot of negative situations that may not be healthy for you.

Don’t be judgemental about other people. You have no clue of what they have gone through. It takes nothing to pass negative comments on others. But that does not do any good to them or you. So, desist from passing judgements on others. It is a negative trait. So, avoid doing that as far as possible.

Avoid getting worked up at every little thing. Don’t get your monkey up. Keep your cool. You are not a heating rod or element. Please remember that you will live to regret every decision or action taken in anger. Because, when you are angry, you hypothecate your brain to the devil.

Take it easy. You don’t have to live on a pile of regrets. You don’t have to lament about the opportunities you let go by. Everyone misses opportunities. If you miss an opportunity, tone up your senses and make sure that you are alert in the future. Life always gives you a second chance. Otherwise, there would have been no tomorrow.

If you worry your worries, your worries will worry you. So, keep clear of your worries. If are worrying about something that happened in the past, it is not worth worrying about. Nobody—not even God—can change your past. So, make peace with your past and let it rest in peace. Don’t let it spoil your present. In the ultimate tally of things, you will finally accept that all your worries about your past were unwarranted as they were more imagined than real. You might find solace in the fact that you are not the only one who has a past. Everyone has a past.

Future is certain. I know you may think that I am mad. But read that again and you will realise that I am very much on the right track. The fact is that future is very much certain…what is not certain is what will happen in future. That is what disturbs our mind. That’s what creates anxiety in our mind. But anxiety is best avoided at all costs. Focus on your goal, make a roadmap to achieve that, and put in your best to execute your plan, and you may have future in your pocket. It is not unexpected events that form the main cause for anxiety. Unexpected events can be dealt with as and when they occur. So, it is no use to get anxious about things for which we can prepare ourselves to deal with.

If you are someone who constantly blames someone or something for things that are going wrong in your life, it means that you are not a responsible person. Start taking responsibility for the results of your doings and you will grow into a stronger person. Blaming others for your mistake is a sign of weakness. The longer you stick to this blame-game, the longer you will take to become successful in life.

Guilty-conscience eats into your peace. So, if you feel guilty about something you have done, mend that situation immediately. Do all you can do to make amends. Otherwise, it might take a toll of your health as well of sleep. If your action is not too serious, forgive yourself and pledge never to repeat that again. That should provide some relief from your guilty conscience.

There’s real fear and there’s imagined fear. If your fear is real, deal with it head on. That’s the only way to deal with it. If your fear is illogical, it is just a phobia. Put an end to your phobia by doing what you are afraid of doing. You may be surprised at the result of your action.

Last but not the least, eat, drink and be merry. Nobody can make you happy more than you yourself can. Be happy and enjoy your life. Live your life king-size.

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