Towards a More Meaningful Life

by | Mar 24, 2022 | Life, Philosophy

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Whenever I come across words of wisdom, I save them somewhere or the other so that I may share them with my readers at the very first opportunity. Here, I would like to share with you some words of wisdom that could change your life:

Words are more powerful than you think. Weigh them and measure them before you let them out of your mouth or your pen. Once you release the words, you can never retrieve them. You can only make amends by tendering an apology. Choose your words sensibly. In other words, mind your language!

In life, you will meet hundreds and thousands of people. With some, the contact may be of a momentary nature. Some may become your friends. Some may not go beyond the acquaintance level. Some will come and some will go. But some may stay because birds of the same feather flock together. Don’t go after the people who have chosen to go. Don’t even try to stop them from going. The right ones will stay.

Sometimes, we feel as if we are not doing enough in life. That’s okay. So long as you have a clear goal in life…so long as you are working hard and putting in your best towards achieving that goal, you are on the right track.
Don’t be bogged down by failure. Failure is never quite final. There is a good chance of success so long as you keep trying. You fail only when you throw up your hands and give up on your hope.

Tomorrow is never promised. So, throw your worries to the winds and enjoy your life. If there is one moment that is more important than all other moments, it is the present moment. So, learn to live in the present moment. You will realise that there is nothing quite like living in the present moment.

The past is dead and gone. Resist the temptation to look back in life. At best, it is a waste of time. There is nothing left for you in the past. So, move on and move forward.

Apply your mind to things that matter in your life. Don’t let it stray into the realm of overthinking. It can cause more damage than good if you are in the habit of overthinking. Overthinking is harbinger of worries. Don’t spend more time thinking about things that do not deserve that much time. In other words, stick to objective thinking
Learn what you can from these words of wisdom and cast your life accordingly. And, you will be on your way to a happy life.

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