Value Your Time

by | Apr 4, 2021 | Life

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Learn to value your time because time is money. Don’t waste your time on inconsequential issues and keep away from all the people and things that waste your time.

If you are someone who waits for inspiration, forget it. Inspiration will never come that way.
Don’t give a damn to what people think of you—it is none of your business. Just be honest to yourself and maintain your integrity. If you can do that, you don’t need to bother about what people think of you. Remember the Chinese saying: It should not bother you whether your shadow is straight or crooked so long as you are standing straight.

Stop complaining…it gets you nowhere. At best, it results in negativity. It does not solve any problem. Instead of complaining, start looking for solutions.

Don’t try to please everyone. You will never succeed in doing that. There is an old saying which goes like this: “If you try to please everyone, you will please none.” That is the truth—whether you like it or not…

Stop comparing yourself with others. It is a sheer waste of time. No two people are made the same way. And, every person has a different destiny and a different journey cut out for them. So, there is no point comparing yourself with someone else.

Don’t get bogged down by mistakes so long as you learn from your past mistakes. There is nothing wrong with committing mistakes. It is part of the learning process. But if you repeat the same mistake, it means that you have not learnt from your past mistakes.

Perfection is a never-ending, time-consuming process. Striving for perfection eats into the time meant for doing other things. It is better to do your very best and not bother too much about perfection because perfection spells stagnation.

Never let the fear of failure haunt you. As the former President of India, Dr. Abdul Kalam, explained: The full form or FAIL is First Attempt in Learning. So, if you fail once, pick up the pieces, dust yourself and be on your way to make the next attempt to do the same thing. And, persist till you lick it. Remember: each time you return to the same task, you are more experienced and you will achieve your goal sooner than later if you persist with what you are doing.

Last but not the least, live your life to the fullest. If you waste your time, you are not going to get another life to do what you failed to do in this lifetime. So, manage your time well and ration the available time to do the best things in life.

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