What Sets Winners and Losers Apart?

by | May 10, 2021 | Motivational

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What sets winners and losers apart? Several traits. Here are some of them. Take a closer look and you will realize why you are on the dividing line that you are in!

To begin with, winners are undaunted by difficult situations. The moment they encounter a problem, they begin to study the problem and start working on ways to find a solution to the problem. The losers, on the other hand, are confused by problem situations and don’t know what to do. Many a time, they end up being part of the problem!

The winner is capable of drawing up a plan to deal with any situation. The winners know how to go about doing things in a logical manner. They are not the ones to grope in the dark or resort to hit-and-trial methods to solve problems. The losers, on the other hand, make a mountain out of a molehill when they are faced with problems. They are quick to invent excuses rather than finding solutions to problems.

The winners are always ready to take on responsibilities. They are always up and about when things go wrong. The losers, however, are shirkers by nature. They would spend their time trying to extricate themselves from difficult situations rather than solving the problem at hand. Their favourite one-liner is: ‘No—that’s not my job.’

The winners usually take a positive approach to situations. Instead of throwing up their hands in desperation they would say: Okay, I know this is going to be difficult but it is very much possible. And, I am going to give it a try. And, look at what the loser may say: Oh, no! This is impossible. I am not stupid. I am not going to waste my time trying to do what cannot be done.

Now you know which side of the dividing line you belong to. And, why you are there. If you have been a loser till now, it does not matter. You too can become a winner by doing what winners do. All you need is a course correction and a commitment to change. All you need is a change of mind, a change of attitude, and a change of approach. Good Luck to You!

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