What They Don’t Teach You at School

by | Jan 13, 2022 | Life, Philosophy

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The reason why so many of us are unsuccessful in life is because the education systems in most parts of the world is tuned to gaining knowledge. They are not geared to impart life skills to the students. This is one of prime reasons why we find many cream students slogging in jobs for a periodic paycheck while misfits of universities running successful business joints that employ those cream students.

Knowledge is fine. It is very important. But knowledge alone cannot see you through life situations. Knowledge alone cannot help achieve everything. Therefore, the educational systems should integrate knowledge with skill-building.

We study so many subjects in our schools to build up our knowledge. However, we do not get enough opportunities to use all our knowledge. But there are things that we do not learn in school that we ought to be learning. For instance, they do not teach us how to sell which could turn out to be a great asset in our lives.
Schools teach us what to think but not how to think which is more important. Schools don’t teach us how to negotiate and most of us find ourselves groping in the dark when we are faced with situations that calls for negotiation.

When plunge into the mean world to settle down in life, some of our efforts would be met with success but there could be others that turn into failures. It is a pity that school do not teach us how to deal with failure.
Most of us waste a lot of our time because the school does not teach us how to manage our time. We put our savings in savings bank accounts and provident fund and such other low-earning investments because the school does not teach us how to invest our money.

When we launch ourselves in our career, we take a leap in the dark because they do not teach the principles of success in our schools. Most of the students who pass high school have no clue as to what they should do after that. If only the school taught us how to find our passion, we would not be drifting through our lives listlessly like driftwood.

Most of us lack discipline with regard to spending money. The result is that we splurge our money in the first half of the month and find ourselves cash-strapped in the latter half of the month. That’s because schools do not teach us how to handle money.

School do not teach us how to make an impact. We learn that by trial-and-error method.
School does not teach us how to start a business. So, most of us do not have the confidence to start a business with the result that we start hunting for a job when complete our studies. The result is that there are more candidates who seek employment than those who provide employment.

Travel brings us in contact with different locations and different cultures. We learn so many things through travel that we would never learn otherwise. Schools do not emphasise this aspect in their curriculum.
Schools do not focus on communication skills with the result that many of us are unable to communicate clearly when we start looking for jobs.

Emotion is a very important aspect of our being and we ought to know how to deal with emotional situations. But no school has this in their syllabi.

We study so many things in the school but the school does not teach us how to read a financial statement. So, we fail to make sense of financial statements when they arrive.

Tax planning and taxation matters are very important in life but the school does not teach us how income tax works.
If we redesign our courses for schools to include life skills in their syllabi, that wouldmost likely, bring sea changes in the way we fare in our lives.

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