What to Do and How to Do it

by | Oct 14, 2021 | Life

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Are we doing things the right way? Well, here is a checklist you can use to check out whether what we do and how we do it is the right way to do it:

According to traditional wisdom, one must always drink milk standing and drink water or medicine sitting.

You must never share the information about your income or your age with everyone. Even if you disclose your age where it is needed, you must try not disclose your income even to your near and dear ones.

Always treat your guests like God. In India, we say: ‘Athithi Devo Bhava’ which means treat your guests like God because you never know when God might show up and in what form. So, usher them into your home with utter respect. And, always bid goodbye to them when they departwith kind words and good wishes.

Eat simple food no matter how much money you earn or how well off you are. Rich foods are often heavy and are not good for health. In any case, you cannot eat gold even if you are stinking rich. It is simple food that keeps us healthy.

Never try to create an impression that you are great and learn to ignore the bad behaviourby others if you want to be happy. Learn to be humble in your life. Just focus on the good things in life and forget the rest.

When somebody is in distress, be the first one to arrive and help them out of their crisis. Be at the forefront when they are having a tough time. If you do that, they may not mind it even if you are the last one to arrive on joyous occasions.

Learn to hold your tongue in front of strangers. Be careful and make sure not to indulge in loose talk without verifying the identity of the persons present in gatherings.

Never buy things that you are not going to start using immediately. If you have a lot of things lying around that you do not use frequently, you may find that many of them are things that you never needed in the first place. That means you are an impulsive buyer. Check yourself and give it a serious though before you decide to buy something.

And, finally, remember that rich people are not those who have a lot of money stashed away in their bank lockers. A rich person is one who owes nothing to anyone and whose chores don’t get stuck up for want of money.

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