Your Company Makes You What You Are

by | Oct 18, 2021 | Life

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Most of us are familiar with the old adage which goes something like this: ‘We are known by the company we keep.’ That’s because birds of the same feather flock together. This is something that we learned as school kids. But, as we grow, we tend to forget this important lesson.

The point is that we imbibe the qualities of people we move around with. It is for this reason that we get attracted to people who are blessed with the qualities that we admire or would like to imbibe. Most of the time such associations are natural and such decisions have their origin in our subconscious mind.

If you move around with people who are depressed, you may end up being the next one in the queue. That’s because depressed people offload a lot of negativities and some of thatmay find a home in you. I am not saying that you should not engage with people who are depressed. All I am saying is that if you are a normal person who is not equipped to deal with negativity and depression, the best thing is to keep away from depressed people. But, if you are strong enough to handle negativity and depression, you would do a world of favours to them by engaging with them and trying to bring them out of their depression.

If you are lacking in confidence, you should seek out confident people and try to engage with them and spend as much of your time in their company as possible. That way you will get an opportunity to observe their reactions to situations and imbibe them. Eventually, you will also learn the traits that help build confidence and turn out to be a confident person.

Similarly, if you are wanting in knowledge and wish to enhance your knowledge, you should befriend learned and knowledgeable people. You will learn so much just by sticking around with them and listening to them that you may find it difficult to believe the transformation this might bring on you.

If you are cash-strapped all the time and find it difficult to make both ends meet, the best thing is to find your way into some group comprising of people who have made it big in money terms. That is the best place to learn how to make money shoo away your financial blues.

Likewise, this adage could be applied most situations. In fact, this could work as a short-cut to most of the things that you wish to achieve in your life. Whatever you do in life, make sure that you are in august company.

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