Your Dress Sense Betrays Your Mindset

by | May 28, 2021 | Life

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Have you ever wondered as to why the poor remain poor while the rich grow richer? The answer lies in their basic nature and the habits they develop unwittingly. Let us begin by analysing our dress sense. Because, our dress sense mirrors our mindset and may have a bearing on the state of our finances.

The poor are either with an inferiority complex or develop one in the process of their growth. In the heart of their hearts, they feel slighted by displays of wealth by the rich or the so-called-rich. In their effort to match up to the rich so that they find acceptance in their circles, many people belonging to the lower-middle class, the real middle class, and the upper-middle class invest in branded clothes, shoes, and other accessories. In fact, they invest in top brands. Following their lead, some poor people too go overboard without realizing the consequences of this mindless decision.

If you take a closer look, many rich people do not use branded clothes or shoes or other products. They just invest on things that, they feel, would look good on them. Most of them ensure that the clothes they wear are well stitched and the shoes are well produced. They do not necessarily go after branded items. This makes sense in many ways.

For example, the size for pants progress in even numbers like 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 etc. If my waist size is the same as one of these, it might be okay. But my waist size is 35 inches? In that case, I may have to go in for size 34 which could be a little tight for me or buy size 36 which might be a little loose for me. Either way, it would be a stupid investment on my part if I am buying a pant just for the sake of its brand. Because, if I buy a pant that is a little tight it would be uncomfortable for me to wear and if it is a little loose, I may find myself pulling up the pant every now and then even if I use a belt to hold it in place.

The sizes of readymade products are not universal. A Size 10 shoe in the United Kingdom may not be equal to Size 10 in the USA. And, if I buy the wrong size from an online store, I may have to return it and get a replacement. When that happens, half the fun of shopping is lost.

Besides, the sizes of readymade clothes are based on general averages. They may not be according to the contours of your individual body. That is where tailor-made clothes make sense. For one thing, they may work out to be cheaper than the clothes belonging to top brands. The other thing is: tailor-made clothes are likely to fit you better than readymade clothes. At the end of the day, you may look and feel better wearing tailor-made clothes besides saving on your spending.

But some people belonging to poorer classes of the society tend to invest in branded clothes paying several times more than the rich to make an impression on the rich. That is because they imitate the people who are on their way to becoming rich and their habit of doing this kind of thing to gain access to the inner circle of the rich. After all, dress and address are considered to be status symbols by many.

In this context, I would like to narrate a story I came across during my youth. Apparently, the secretary of a very popular business tycoon was a little uneasy with the kind of inexpensive dress her boss was wearing for an international business meet. After a lot of hesitation, she pointed this out to her boss by saying: ‘Sir, don’t you think you are not dressed for the occasion?’

The business tycoon took a good look at the suit he was wearing and turned to his secretary, he explained: ‘The world knows I am rich,…I don’t have to show it.’ On the face of it, this might sound a little arrogant on the part of the business tycoon. But, if you delve a little deeper, you would find that what he said was absolutely true. Many spend exorbitant amounts of money just to show off.

The point is: if you are going in for non-branded readymade clothes to take advantage of the economy of mass production making your purchase dirt cheap, do it by all means. But, if going in for readymade clothes means shelling out a fortune just for the sake of owning something belonging to some top brand, avoid it at all costs. The money you save through this sensible decision can be used to buy other things or to save up for the future. That’s a lot better than becoming a pauper just for the sake of showing off.

At the end of the day, the super-rich would seldom have the time or inclination to pin their eyes on the brand of clothes you are wearing. And, if they find that you are wearing clothes belonging to top brands, it hardly makes any difference to them. This misconception is a product of our mind—not theirs.

The moral of the tale is: don’t go overboard with investing on top brands if you can’t afford it. It doesn’t always pay the way you expect it to.

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Hello , it is true a lot of people tend to over spend on Branded goods just to fit into a certain place. Even if it means at the cost of spending excess money and even going over board. I don’t agree with this thought process completely .i am from the fashion industry and I feel that though it is important to dress well and spend money on branded goods but not at the cost of facing financial repercussions ! End of the day its your over all personality that matters and attracts attention . What goes into these products is what matters and Not just the products. So create a style of your own and carry it with confidence …….you are sure to get eyeballs!